Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Gejehhhhh xD

Ehmm...post ini adalah luapan kegilaan saia setelah seharian 'terbang' dari satu tempat ke tempat lain :P

LIst your 10 favourite characters.

1.Dean Winchester (always numbie 1 :p)
2. Sammy Winchester (why not samuel?well..it reminds me of samuel, their grandpa ==a)
3. Draco Malfoy
4. Castiel :3
5. Barry Mannilow
6. Light Yagami
7. Gabriel
8. Adam (I don’t know his last name ==”)
9. L Lawliet
10. Damon Salvatore

Done?Okay, let's start :D

What would you say or do if…
Number 1 woke you up in the middle of the night?
First, I would mad at him for wake me up and ask him what does he want, then I will lift up my blanket and ask him to go back to bed..JUST TO SLEEP! lol
Number 2 asked you to go out with him?
Aww...sorry Sam, but I love your brother, you know that..............but I’ll consider it xD
Number 3 walked into the bathroom while you're showering?
Hmm....throw soap, shampoo’s bottle and averything near me to him and yell “PERVERT!”
Number 4 announced he's going to marry 9 tomorrow?
Are you serious Cas?o.O just.....what.the.heck? o.o

Number 5 cooked you dinner?
Thank you, Barry! :D, wait a second...you sure it’s not poisonous, rite? :p

Number 6 was lying next to you on the beach, sleeping?
I will steal his death note xD

Number 7 suddenly confessed to be part of your family?
Really?!!!so..you’re my big bwother noww?Aww~I’m soo happy x)
Will you share your candies with me?or let me see your wings? xD
Number 8 got into the hospital somehow?
Hmm....maybe that’s the side effect of being a vessel *thinking*

Number 9 made fun of your friends?
Nuh! Bad L! I will take all of your sweets!

Number 10 ignored you all the time?
Hmm..maybe he is ‘thirsty’ and ignore me all the time because he’s afraid he might hurt me? :\?

Two serial killers are hunting you down. What will number 1 do?
Dean will protect me and shoot the killers~!*sigh* oh my hero x)

You're on a vacation with number 2 and manage to break your leg. What does 2 do?
I think Sam will call Castiel to heal my leg before Dean finds out and get REALLY angry :P

It's your birthday. What will number 3 give you?
Something expensive… if Draco knows me really, really well hehe. A diamond ring, perhaps? I’m not picky ;P Yes, we are SUCH good friends.
You're stuck in a house that's on fire. What does number 4 do?
I believe that cute blue-eyed angel will save me..
You're about to do something that'll make you feel extremely embarrassed. What will number 5 do?
Barry probably will calm me down, and give me tips how to ease the nerves. :3

You're about to marry number 10. What's number 6's reaction?
Hmm....I don’t know :\

You got dumped by someone. How will number 7 cheer you up?
He will give me LOT of candy, cheer me up with his ‘angel mojo’ and maybe..maybe...take me to the TV LAND~ gyaaa~ xD
You're angry about it afterwards, how does number 8 calm you down?
By letting me cry on his shoulder?lol

You compete in some tournament. How does number 9 support you?
L? Ngasih tau berapa persen kemungkinan saia menang dan menyusun taktik buat memperbesar kemungkinan itu 8D
You can't stop laughing. What will number 10 do?
Hmmm...compell me to stop laughing?or kiss me to shut me up?you choose XP
Number 1 is all you've ever dreamed of. Why?
that’s a SILLY question...well, first of all..i fall in love with his beautiful green eyes, and his body just..wow, and his lips... 8-D, The way he protects the people that he loves, the way he sacrifice his life for his baby bro, his adorable ‘baby’ Impala, I love his habit of chewing on pens, his messy bedhead hair, He’s a peacekeeper in his family..God..I wish he is real.. :p

Number 2 tells you about his deeply hidden love for number 9. Your reaction?
Sammy..I thought you are straight! O.o
Did you hit your head?or are you under a spell?*grab a holy water and gund and spell book*

You're dating number 3 and introduce him to your parents. Will they get along?
First of all, my parents will be VERY surprised, second..Draco will have to learn my language to communicate with my parents, but..I think my parents will like him, Draco can be nice if he want to :D
Number 4 loves number 9 as well. What does that mean?
Cas! You betray me~! I’m sorry..but I’m NOT into threesome..I’m leaving Dx

Will number 5 and 6 ever kiss?
Barry and Light? EW. OF COURSE NOT! (My sister will kill me if she read this question xp)
Number 6 appears to be a player, he breaks many hearts. What do you do?
I tell him that If he doesn’t stop being a player, i will burn his Death Note >:|
You had a haircut and number 7 can't stop looking at you. What goes on in your mind?
Oh no, please tell me hw is not going to change my hair colour to orange or pink again :<
Number 8 thinks he'll never get a boyfriend. What will you tell him?
aww..That is not true Adam...you are just as..okay..maybe ALMOST as amazing as your older brothers, of course you will get a...WAIT..did you say BOYfriend?o.O

Senin, 17 Januari 2011

I Miss 'Us' Too

Okay, gw buat post ini saat seharusnya gw lagi ngurusin wordpress gw, di sela - sela pelajaran TIK saat seharusnya gw ngerjain tugas. Keadaan gw sekarang?gw mau nangis.

Smua bermula waktu gw disuruh bikin menu di wordpress gw dan gw nggak ngerti, dengan niat nyari inspirasi gw mampir ke salah satu wordpress sahabat gw dan gw membaca salah satu post dia. Dan jujur gw bener - bener pengen nangis waktu baca post itu.

Hi Dear, I miss u too..okay?
Biarlah yang udah terjadi..we're all grown up now. I'm not that unstable and fragile girl anymore, You make me stronger and stronger and I'm sorry for what happened. It's not your fault, it's mine too..
Thank you udah jagain gw tanpa sepengetahuan gw. Gw juga kangen u slama ini, and about him..kamu tahu JAUH lebih banyak tentang gw daripada dia..G ada yang bisa gantiin u, tau..And I'm sorry to I wasn't there when you needed me the most. I want to start over. dear..lets put everything behind Us. Andai u ada di sini sekarang, Gw mauu banget peluk u sekenceng - kencengnya -tapi nanti u kebingungan lagii :p-. I love u Dear..u itu salah satu sahabat pertama dan terbaik yang gw punya, and I don't want to lose you again..I miss "Us" too :)

Ps: kenapa gw g ngomong ini langsung?U tau gw nggak begitu jago mengekspresikan perasaan gw secara lisan kan?beside..I dun know how will u react..so I decide to tell u with this post :3

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Am I Wrong?

Sorry..It's been forever since the last time I write something..salahkan jadwal yang menguras tenaga dan pikiran saia..damn you UN! >~<

Post ini bakal bercerita tentang "Dia".."Dia" yang gw temui di malam natal, "Dia" yang pertama kali mengenalkan gw pada kata 'Cinta'. I'm sure you know who he is ;)
Selama ini gw yakin sama diri gw kalau cerita gw tentang dia udah selesai, post gw yang saat malam natal itu adalah post terakhir gw tentang dia, gw udah mau tutup buku dan hati gw sepenuhnya buat dia. Gw berfikir perasaan gw ke dia udah sepenuhnya hilang dikikis waktu, karena emang gw nggak merasakan getaran seperti dulu setiap kali namanya disebut.

Gw ngira gitu, sampai hari ini.

Tadi salah satu sahabat gw ngasih tau suatu informasi tentang dia, info yang agak konyol menurut gw, karena gw penasaran jadi gw buka 'web' nya dia buat ngecek kebenaran informasi itu. Tapi sebelum memastikan kebenaran info itu gw baca apdetan 'web' dia..ada satu post,ah bukan.. dua post, yang menceritakan 'cerita' dia. And I almost cry, I feel so stupid..tapi mata gw yang tiba - tiba memanas dan perasaan tertohok saat membaca post itu di luar kontrol gw. Perasaan itu hanya berlangsung sesaat memang, tapi menyakitkan, sungguh, sekarang perasaan itu sudah pudar digantikan oleh perasaan bingung gw.

Gw nggak tahu kenapa gw ngerasa kayak gitu, bukannya gw udah nggak mencintai dia lagi?bukannya perasaan itu sudah habis terkikis oleh waktu? Or am I wrong?