Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Another gejeh post from meh ~XD

My Alphabet!~
A: Awkward, because dude, it’s sooo my word :P
B: Bobby :3
C: Castiel, the cute blue eyed-angel X3
D: Dean, because he's one sexxi beast
E: Excellent, because I really can't think of anything else
F: Ferret. It Reminds me of Draco ~:P
G: Grammar driving me crazy @.@
H: Hachiko..’cause he’s an amazing dog :D
I: Incest, Dunno..just pop in my head
J: Jensen XP
K: Key?
L: L, Because he's just sooo damn cute!
M: Matt, the hot hacker !
N: Near, because he's so cute
O: Obliviate, cause sometimes i wih i can perform that spell to my self
P: Promiscuous, because that's just Dean Winchester
Q: Quiet? My secret trait ;)
R: Ryuk, because he's just so cool.
S: Sammy XD
T: Trench coat?hmmm~ *imaginingsomesuspiciousimages*
V: Virginity, because It’s important dude~
W: Watari, because he kicks major ass.
X: Xenophobe, ‘cause sometimes i think i have that..
Y: Yuuki, one of my personalities *evil laugh*
Z: Zebra, I don't even know

2 komentar:

Admin mengatakan...

WATARI: WAnita TukAng kaRI
SAMMY: SAMpah di kamar MandY
NEAR: NEangan ARit
MATT: Makan Ama Tempe Tahu
HACHIKO: HAduh CHIn KOk gitu?
DEAN: Different, Emo, hAndsome, Nice

Trims... XP *plakk*

scarletelle mengatakan...

Kacaw kowee 'Pa :P
Tapi saia suka lhoo yang singkatan Dean'a X)

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